Wow, my first blog.. so much to say and where to start?
I guess at the beginning! My name is Jessie and I am the founder of FORM Gifts! I've always loved personalised gifts, I try and look for them when I buy for Birthdays, Christmas etc, but especially for special occasions. Giving someone a present that's a little different and brings a smile to their face just makes my day. With that in mind I started thinking of ideas, things that were unique that people wouldn't already have.. and FORM Gifts began to come to life.
Initially I wanted to create gifts for men.. as lets face it they are so hard to buy for! That's where the name FORM came from... FOR Men. However the more I thought about it I didn't want to limit my products to just men, so I thought, hey, Memories / Me / Messages / Memorials .. all fit too! Kids, Grandparents, Sisters, Brothers, Teachers, Friends - there's plenty of gifts for them aswell, but by now the name had stuck.
So I had the name, now for the fun bit - bringing the products to life!
Check back soon for my next blog entry :)